Best practices for on-page SEO!

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Best practices for on-page SEO!

Best practices for on-page SEO!

Today let's talk about the Best Practices of On Page SEO and understand how it can be helpful to rank our websites and can impact the growth of your Business.

On-page SEO, off-page SEO, and technical SEO are three of the many terms found in the never-ending and extensive world of SEO. However, they are each extremely important. Very similar, yet so different is one way to describe on-page SEO, off-page SEO and technical SEO. These terms are SEO specialists' first and foremost priorities, as they either improve your businesses and make them stand out if they are probably optimized or don't help your business at all if they are not.

This article will explore these terms, how to optimize On Page SEO properly, and the key differences.

Best practices for on-page SEO

The practices to optimize on-page SEO are way more extensive than you may think. There are many varied methods and techniques that could improve technical on-page SEO effectively and efficiently. So, here are the most common and best practices you could consider:

Use high-quality images:

Images are a big deal when it comes to the user experience. Usually, users are more attracted to websites that include more images and media. In order to ensure proper and effective on-page SEO, make sure to optimize all the images on your website. This includes using high-quality images and a suitable image file format. Also, remember to compress the images to avoid messing with the site's health and speed.

Optimize meta descriptions:

Meta descriptions are texts that appear below your article's or web page's main title on SERP pages to give a brief description of the content. Optimizing meta descriptions is very important for optimizing both content and on-page SEO. So, how can you optimize them? First, keep them simple. Meta descriptions are usually very brief; they can't go over 160 characters. So, make sure to be brief but also inclusive. Your meta descriptions should also be unique so that they can attract users from search engine results pages. Most of the time, users disregard meta descriptions as they can be repetitive or misleading. Thus, make sure to write something new, engaging and precise.

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