How to build SEO into a new website from the ground up!

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How to build SEO into a new website from the ground up!

How to build SEO into a new website from the ground up!

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Welcome to the latest edition of "Future Mortals," your go-to destination for all things related to cutting-edge marketing & branding strategies and trends. In an era where the Business landscape is constantly evolving, we are thrilled to embark on this journey of knowledge-sharing and innovation with you.


Launching a new website takes more than just design and content. Infuse SEO into each stage of the process, from strategy to launch.

Launching a new website is one of the more exciting projects for a company. And during these projects, everyone involved obsesses over the smallest details as if their lives depended on it. The colors, the logos, the fonts, the pictures – no stone is left unturned, except the stone that has SEO underneath it. Often, SEO is the team not allowed in the room. After the big launch, everyone expects traffic to appear magically. When it doesn’t, they have to spend more money fixing an SEO problem. 

Building SEO from the ground up in a website is less expensive and gets results faster compared to trying to bolt it on as an afterthought. 

This article will explain the three stages of a website launch and how SEO should play a part in each stage:

  • The strategy phase
  • The build phase
  • The launch phase

If your company is launching a new website and you want to advocate for SEO during the process, read on.

  • Stage 1: The strategy phase

In the strategy phase, teams discuss how the website will look and function. While others are debating about whether the website should have black and white or color photos, your job is to lay the foundation for SEO. The best way to do that is through the following key tasks that will impact how designers and developers build the site . 

  • Stage 2: The build phase

As you move away from the strategy phase and enter into the build phase, the designers/developers create the site. This is usually the longest phase of the website launch, and it’s another time when your job is to ensure everyone is thinking about SEO.

There are three primary areas of concern: 

The technical aspect of the website.

The content development on the site.

The on-page optimization of the site

  • Stage 3: The launch phase

It's time and the pressure is on. The launch phase should go smoothly if everything was done well leading up to it. 


With more competition now than ever in search results, building SEO into a new website from the ground up gives you a better chance to perform. The sooner you can begin driving traffic, the better – every day counts as you work to get ahead of your competition.  

If you are part of a website launch team, ensure everyone thinks about SEO at every stage, including the strategy, build and launch phases, by following the guidance in this article. 

We are excited to embark on this journey with you, exploring the vast realm of online marketing, branding, technology and other informative topics and sharing our insights to empower you in your business endeavours. The digital world is ever-evolving, and together, we'll navigate the trends, challenges, and opportunities that lie ahead.

Thank you for joining us on this enlightening ride. Stay tuned for the captivating insights and knowledge that we are all set to bring in each edition.


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